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What Element Is Often Added to Motion Graphics That Is Not Found in Other Forms of Graphic Art

New to Move Graphics? We encompass over 140 MoGraph concepts and terms in this Motion Design dictionary.

Motion Pattern can be really confusing, specially if you are new to the industry. Besides the elementary fact that you demand to be a master of dozens of artistic disciplines, there are also hundreds of new terms that you lot will need to empathize.

Learning the lingo makes it easier to collaborate with others and search for assist online, and so we thought it'd exist helpful to put together a costless collection of some of the well-nigh of import terms in the Motion Design Industry.

If yous read the entire thing you are truly a MoNerd.


The Motion Pattern Dictionary

2d - A style of blueprint that features apartment blueprint elements without 3D depth. Popular styles include explainer videos, logo reveals, and cartoon Grapheme Animation.

2.5D - 2D blueprint elements in 3D space.


A 2.5D project seen at an angle in After Furnishings.

3D - Any design element with depth. 3D elements are usually created in 3D software like Cinema 4D.

Adjustment Layer - A layer that affects all of the layers beneath it in the timeline. An result applied to an adjustment layer volition adjust all of the layers underneath.

Adobe Character Animator - An animation software designed to automate lip-syncing and facial expressions in real-fourth dimension.

Subsequently Effects - A 2.5D animation and compositing software used to create Movement Graphics. The nearly popular Motion Graphics software in the world.

Alpha Channel - Alpha channels tell your video software how opaque (transparent) the pixels in your video should exist. Alpha channels are usually used when a video or prototype is inserted over other video/image assets.

alpha channel.jpg

Ballast Signal - The bespeak around which transformations will happen.

Animatic - A rough video outlining the manner in which a Motion Graphic sequence will look before principle animation begins. Animatics are typically used to pitch video ideas to a client.

Blitheness - The process of storytelling through movement.

Aspect Ratio - Video/Prototype Width vs Tiptop. The most mutual aspect ratio is sixteen:nine.

Asset - A file used to assistance with the process of Motion Design. Common assets include textures, sound furnishings, and groundwork plates.

AVI - A video container/wrapper format used primarily past PCs.

Bit Rate - The rate in which video is coded/decoded past a video playback software. Lower bitrates generally lead to smaller file sizes.

Blending Fashion - The mode in which color data from i layer is passed on to other layers underneath. Blending modes are typically used to stylize and image or video.

Blending Modes.jpeg

Boards - Curt for Storyboards. Boards are still designs that outline the general design of a Movement Graphic sequence. These are usually created in an prototype editing software like Photoshop.


Brushes - Blueprint elements that uses a brush tool to simulate a stroke or stylize a layer.


Cel - A transparent sail of film material that tin can be drawn on, used in the product of cartoons.

Movie theater 4D - A 3D software used to model, texture, light, and animate 3D objects and scenes. Cinema 4D is the software of choice for near modernistic Motion Designers.

Cinema 4D.jpg

Cineware - A tool that allows Afterwards Furnishings artists to import 3D objects from Picture palace 4D into Subsequently Effects.

Clone Stamp - A tool that copies pixel data from one surface area to another using a brush.

Codec - An algorithm used to parcel a video file. Codecs are typically used to reduce a video file size.

Collapse Transformations - A setting in After Effects that allows a precomposed limerick to retain it's transformation information when precomposed.

Colour Correction - The procedure of adjusting the color of an image or video to fix any colour or exposure issues that may take resulted from on-set error or photographic camera limitations.

Color Grade - The process of stylizing the color of a video or image.

Compositing - The process of combining digital elements together to create visual unity.


Composition - 1. A timeline in a Motility Graphics application. 2. The sheet in which After Effects projects are created. iii. The organisation of design elements in a frame.

Continuously Rasterize - A setting that tells After Effects to analyze a vector object or nested composition every frame to remove pixelation.

Creative Cloud - Adobe's drove of creative applications and cloud services. Notable Creative Cloud apps include After Furnishings, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator.

Depth of Field - A blurring effect caused by camera eyes. In Motion Graphics, depth-of-field can exist imitation in various applications.

depth of field.jpg

Disk Cache - A storage database that holds temporary files used to playback and render Move Graphic sequences.

DUIK - An industry-standard, free character rigging tool in After Effects.


Dynamics - A branch of Motion Graphics that deals with the physics of digitally false objects.

Dynamics are mesmerizing...

Ease - To shine. Ordinarily referring to the smoothing of a keyframe.

Furnishings - A tool that tin be applied to an object or layer to manipulate the way it looks or interacts in a timeline.

Element 3D - A paid plugin from VideoCopilot that empowers After Effects artists to model and import 3D objects directly in After Furnishings.

Element 3D.jpg

Elements - Digital files used to enhance a Motion Graphic sequences.

Essential Graphics - An Adobe workflow that allows Premiere Pro users to edit After Effects projects.

Essential Graphics.png

Explainer Video - A co-operative of Move Graphics that uses visual elements to brainwash an audience.

Export - 1. To save a video file. ii. To send a project file to some other awarding.

Expression - A snippet of Javascript used to perform utility tasks in After Effects.

Flowchart - A visual representation of the nesting structure of video/image elements.

Font - A single typeface weight and style. (i.e. 24pt Bold Helvetica Neue)

Fractal Racket - An effect in Later Effects used to simulate cloudy and distorted noise. One of the most widely-used effects in After Effects.

Fractal Noise.jpg

Frame - A single prototype taken from a video.

Frame Rate - The number of frames shown for each 2d of a video.

GPU - An electronic circuit used to increase the graphics operation of a reckoner processor.

Grain - Visual noise in a video or image. Grain is typically used to simulate the noise produced by a camera when shooting on celluloid film.

Graph Editor - An illustrated graph used to manipulate and visualize animation movement via a 2D nautical chart.

Graph Editor.png

Graphics Menu - A device that takes information from the CPU and turns it into pictures or video.

Green Screen - A bright greenish background that can be easily keyed using mod compositing applications.

Grid - A visual guide that uses consequent spacing to help a Mograph artists when designing a composition.

Guide - A visual tool used to help a user with layout and blueprint.

H264 - A popular codec used to significantly reduce a video'south file size. H264 is typically merely used when uploading a video to the web.

Hand Tool - A tool that allows a Movement Designer to move effectually a composition.

Hard Bulldoze Disk (HDD) - A data storage device that uses a rotating disk to store data. HDD devices are typically much slower than SSD.

Hotkey - A keyboard key, or sequence of keys, that can be pressed to perform an action in a software.

Houdini - A high-finish 3D blitheness software that specializes in simulation and dynamics processing.

Illustrator - ane. The most popular 2nd vector-graphic editing software in the globe. two. A person who draws.


Kerning - The distance between two unlike letters.

Key - To remove a colored background.

Keyboard Shortcut - A keyboard primal, or sequence of keys, that can exist pressed to perform an action in a software.

Keyframe - A specific value in fourth dimension. A cornerstone characteristic in mod animation softwares.


Keyframes in After Effects.

Layer Styles - Universal stylization of a layer that happens after the furnishings, masks, mattes, and keyframes have been applied.

Layer - A unmarried item in a timeline or canvas.

Leading - The distance between ii stacked lines of blazon.

Logo Resolve - A Motion Blueprint sequence that ends with a logo.

Logo Reveal - A Motion Design sequence that transitions to a logo.

Lossless - Uncompressed or perfect quality.

Lossy - Compressed or less-than-perfect quality.

Macro - 1. An extreme close-up shot 2. An automated process usually initiated by a keyboard shortcut.

Mask - A path that is used to cut out or add visual information to a layer.


Lucifer Moving - The process of tracking and replacing concrete objects with digital elements.

Matte - A reference layer used to map the transparency of another layer.

Maya - A loftier-cease 3D modeling and animation software used at the highest levels of Hollywood.

Media Encoder - A video encoding software included in the Creative Cloud.

Mocha - A professional spline-based tracking software. A free version is included in Subsequently Effects.

MoGraph - Short for Movement Graphics.

Movement Blur - A simulation of the blur captured when recording movement on a video camera.

Motion Design - Conveying information through combining movement, blueprint, color, and sound.

MOV - A video container/wrapper native to Apple computers.

MP4 - A video container/wrapper that works on Apple and PC devices.

Nested Comp - A composition inside another limerick. It's similar a turducken, but for Movement Designers.

Noise - Visual distortion added to a video or image. Whereas grain is typically used for stylization, racket is typically used for utility.

Optical Flares - A plugin adult past Video Copilot that allows users to easily add lens flares into their compositions.

Optical Flares.jpg

Parallax - A optical issue where objects closer to a photographic camera move at faster speed than objects further away from a photographic camera.

Parenting - Connecting a layer's transformation data to some other layer.

Pen Tool - A tool used to depict paths and masks.

Persistence of Vision - An audience's biological tendency to fill in gaps in move information. It'due south how a sequence of images can be perceived equally a video.

Photoshop - A photo editing software used for pattern, compositing, drawing, image utility, and photograph manipulation.

Pickwhip - A tool that links one layer or parameter to some other.

Pixel Aspect Ratio - The shape of the pixels in your video. A square pixel has a Pixel Aspect Ratio of 1:1.

Playhead - The tool used to indicate your video's bespeak in time.


The playhead is red.

Plugin - A third-political party awarding that can be loaded into another software.

PluralEyes - A tool used to sync multiple video feeds together in post-product.

Portfolio - A curated collection of a artist's work.

Precompose - The process of turning a layer or group of layers into a nested composition.

Preset - An issue or furnishings with a set of saved values.

Projection Mapping - Displaying a Movement Graphics sequence on an irregular viewing surface similar a edifice or statue.

Puppet Tool - A tool used to warp certain points of a video or prototype.

Purge - To remove and erase.

RAM (Memory) - The amount of temporary storage that your reckoner tin use to read and write temporary information. Afterwards Effects uses your RAM to playback temporary video files.

Raster Graphics - Graphics that are computed with pixels instead of vector algorithms.

Ray Tracing - A rendering technique that tracks the path of a low-cal ray.

Reel - A short video highlighting a Motion Designer'southward piece of work.

Region of Involvement - A tool in After Effects that allows users to focus on a specific portion of their composition.

Region of Interest.png

Render - The process of saving a video or image, specifically one that requires an all-encompassing corporeality of computing power.

Resolution - The width and height of your video or paradigm. Hd resolution is 1920 ten 1080.

Rig - A grapheme or object that has been setup for animation.


Rotoscoping - Removing or isolating an object from a video sequence. One of the most tedious tasks in Movement Design.


Screenshot - A unmarried frame taken from a Move Graphics or video software.

Script - 1. A code sequence that performs a task. 2. A consummate text outline of a video.

Sequence - A unmarried timeline.

Shader - An algorithm used to simulate texture or lighting in a 3D awarding.

Simulation - A digital representation of real-globe physics.

Snapshot - A screenshot of a single frame that can be used for frame comparison in After Effects.

Solid State Drive (SSD) - A data storage solution with no moving internal parts. SSDs tend to be much faster than HDDs.

Specular - Relating to or having the backdrop of a mirror.

Squash and Stretch - An animation principle used to simulate the natural way in which objects shrink and contract when impacting other objects.

Storyboard - A visual script that outlines a video's key components.

Syntheyes - A professional matchmoving and video tracking software.

Template - A project file designed to be easily manipulatable. Templates are typically used by non-designers.

Texture - A notwithstanding, visual element used to add visual complication to a composition or object. A sequence of dissimilar textures together would be called a 'Moving Texture'.

Three Betoken Lighting - A standard lighting layout that uses a key, fill, and backlight to make a subject or object pop.

Three point lighting.jpg

Timecode - Number-based information about the electric current time of a video.

Timeline - The place in which layers and keyframes are added and adjusted.

Title/Activeness Prophylactic - Guides used to help a Motion Designer know where they tin add together text elements without fear of the text existence cut off on some devices.

Title:Action Safe.png

Tracking - ane. Using a computer software to follow movement in a video. 2. Camera move that goes from left to correct or right to left.

Transparency Grid - A filigree used to convey transparent areas in a composition.

Trapcode Class - A plugin past RedGiant that creates grid patterns around 3D objects in Afterwards Effects.

Trapcode Particular - The industry-standard particle generation plugin created by RedGiant.


Tween - The procedure of interpreting the data between 2 keyframes.

Typeface - A certain design of fonts that includes every blazon of weight.

Typography - A section of the design industry that focuses on text.

Vector Graphics - Graphics that use computer algorithms, rather than pixels, to create an image.

Versioning - Saving a project file so that it is compatible in previous versions of the software.

Walk Cycle - A loop showcasing how an animated character walks.

Warp Stabilizer - A tool used to stabilize shaky footage in After Effects.

White Balance - The color balance of a video or epitome. Video or images shot outside tend to have a 'bluer' white balance than those shot indoors.

Wireframe - A grid-based rendering of a 3D or 2d object.

Z-Depth - A computed altitude from a photographic camera. Z-Depth is typically calculated in 3D applications. It is also crucial for creating depth mattes, which are important for realistic compositing piece of work.

Hopefully you've constitute this listing of terms to exist useful. If you lot always have any questions about the industry or where to start as a Motion Designer feel free to striking united states up.
